Mauricio Collazos

Master Student in Computer Science at Universidad del Valle. Software developer, system administrator and speech technologies researcher

Cali, Colombia


Master student in Computer Science at Universidad del Valle, with a bachelor degree on Software development, researching about speech technologies.
Working with Python for more than 4 years, from college projects to
microservice oriented platforms and managing server for almost the same time, traveling from manual SSH configuration to fully orchestrated container oriented infrastructure. With experience in finance, entrepreneurship, health, agriculture, education, mobility and security industries, giving support in product
development, operations and infrastructure. Also supporting local Python community with talks and workshops.


English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

django-bootstrapper, django-crud-generator, rasa_nlu, rasa_core


Universidad del Valle, Cali: Software Developer


Integration of projects related to the Centre for Bioinformatics and Photonics CIBioFi in a unified software platform.

System administration of Turing computational cluster, adapting custom scientific long duration scripts to work with containers and HTCondor.

Tranqui Finanzas, Cali: CTO

FEB 2017-JULY-2018

Design, Development, Administration and Maintenance of a microservice oriented personal finance backend platform.

Administration of AWS infrastructure, including EC2 kubernetes clusters, RDS and DynamoDB databases and Lambda Functions.

Contraslash, Cali: CEO


Development of customized web and mobile applications.

Consultancy of digital transformation for conventional companies.

iTech, Cali: Software Developer

JUNE 2015 - DEC 2015

Design and develop Preventy: a Magerit based platform to diagnostic, evaluation and management of risk Design and develop Web Segura: a platform to provide software vulnerabilities as a service


Amazon Web Services (AWS), DevOps, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Git, Kubernetes, Natural Language Processing

Joined: November 2018