David Reguera Suarez

Curiosity driven lifelong learner

Bilbao, Spain


Wow, thanks for your interest in my profile.

A bit of introductory small talk,

I won't elaborate a lot here as I'm decided to minimize the friction of this whole process, but in a nutshell, I'm one of the lead developers on a fantastic team within a UK-based company (https://zerodeposit.com) with a very compelling mission. However, it does not quite provide me with the opportunities of learning and growth I'm looking for. So I'm actively seeking interesting projects that align with some long term view I devised for myself while ago related to machine learning and data science overall.

Hungry for meaningful work and space to do it, grant me just a five-minute-elevator-pitch time span and I will be happy to share with you my vision, mission and values and the road map I have devised for the future.

If all this sounds intriguing enough just drop by my visual resume at https://nablabits.com/bio-2024 to know more.


English, French, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

Pandas, Numpy, Django


Not very fan of this format, I encourage you to visit the visual resume I have crafted at nablabits

Alternatively —in a likely more familiar context—, you can skim my GitHub profile to check out some of my work.


Backend Development, Data Science, Django, Django REST Framework, Frontend Development, Fullstack Development, Git, Heroku, Linux, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Virtualenv, jQuery

Joined: October 2020