Benjamín Casazza

Fullstack Web Developer | Consultant | Blockchain Developer

CDMX, Mexico


Developer with knowledge of user experience and business requirements, Specialising in software design, development and management.

Experienced in imporving small-medium business processes through software continus delivery for business

Khowledge of Linux/Unix enviroments and open source technologies, multilanguages and multiplatform, conectivity with cloud data and real time applications with QGIS integrations.

I am also a Medium and Kaggle contributor


English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

Pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scipy, seaborn, bs4, geopy


-Chief Innovation Officer - Human Group ( 2019

-Developer and product owner at Empats psicology online ( 2019


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Big Data, Blockchain, Data Science, Docker, Ethereum, Fabric, Frontend Development, Fullstack Development, Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Web Scraping

Joined: January 2020