Cherny Berbesí
Python Developer with an entrepreneurial spirit, agile mindset and passionate about good practices
Ciudad de Panamá, Panama
I've been working as a python developer (mostly web environments) for the last years and worked as sysadmin before that. I've used frameworks like Django, Django-REST-Framework, Flask, Eve and webapp (Google App Engine built-in) to build Web applications. Currently I started to learn Golang and plan to start learning machine learning and data science after finishing my first Golang project
English, Spanish
Favorite Python Packages:
requests, lxml, fabric, celery, python-social-auth, werkzeug, xvfbwrapper, selenium
The Srpy Group, Brooklyn, USA (from home) | September 2015 - Current | Web Developer
- Full-stack developer. Working with Node.js, MongoDB, Python/Django, Angular and Docker for
customer internal applications
Avantica, San José, CR | January 2015 - September 2015 | Web Developer
- Full-stack developer. Working with J2EE and jQuery for customer internal applications
Mozio, San Francisco, US (from Home) | May 2014 - Sep 2014 | Senior Python Developer
- Worked on the backend integrating external APIs from different vendors, using tools like: Django,
Celery, redis, Angular.JS
Prosoft Nearshore, San José, CR | July 2013 - May 2014 | Full Stack Developer
- Development of an internal Web application using tools like: Angular.JS, Flask, and Bootstrap 3
- Development of an e-commerce Web application using tools like: OpenCart, subversion, jQuery
Brightcomms, San José, CR | February 2012 - December 2013 | Full Stack Lead Developer
- Develop applications for processing data on distributed environment
- Management of Amazon Web Services resources (EC2, SES)
- Implement Django production environments using NGINX + Gunicorn + Supervisor
- Release (Application to manage T-Mobile contractors in Puerto
Huawei, Caracas, VE | November 2011 - March 2013 | UNIX Specialist
- Solve second and third level issues created on computing and systems center of Telefónica, based
on Sun Solaris operative systems
- Prevention and diagnosis tasks on Telefónica servers universe
- Creation of infrastructure status reports
- Coordinate activities to apply change controls
- Develop scripts in order to automate monitoring tasks
- Managing of transactional queues over Oracle Tuxedo
Globus Technologies, Southampton, UK (from Home) | July 2011 - November 2011 | Senior Systems
- Web Developer using Django and cloud services
- Analyze information from images for gathering meteorological data based on position and capture
- Juries from Southampton and Cambridge university accept future development
oDesk Professional Services, Palo Alto, USA (from Home) | June 2011 - August 2011 | Web Developer
- Internal applications using: Django, CSS, HTML5, jQuery, Git, Redmine, unit tests
TopTal, Chicago, USA (from Home) | June 2011 - August 2011 | Android Developer
- Application to search restaurant based on recommendation and geographical information
SEITECA, Caracas, VE | February 2011 - June 2011 | Systems administration
- Zimbra server administration
- Google Apps services administration
Econsulting, Paris, FR (from Home) | November 2010 - June 2011 | Web Developer and systems
- Developing over Google App Engine (python)
- Python application to process migrations
- Administration tasks to process Zimbra migrations
- Google APIs (Contacts and Calendars)
DailyMe Inc., Caracas, VE | March 2010 - December 2010 | Server administrator & Web developer
- CentOS servers administration
- Monitoring web applications, linux servers and LAN network
- BASH and Python scripts development for simple tasks
- Web development for customers
Onuva, Caracas, VE | June 2009 - February 2010 | Infrastructure Analyst
- Debian servers administration
- Processes documentation using Onuva's methodology
- BASH scripts development for simple tasks
- Software migration to Open Source Applications in government's organizations
- Participation on big projects in government's organizations
- Help to translate Koha and KnowledgeTree applications
Prowebglobal / DailyMe Inc., Caracas, VE | March 2008 - May 2009 | Network administrator and
technical support
- LAN administrator
- Technical support for internal users
- BASH scripts development for simple tasks
- Teach staff about using version control system
Ministry for communication and information (MinCI), Caracas, VE | November 2007 - January 2008 |
Web Developer
- Main site webmaster (
- "Aló Presidente" site webmaster (
Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria, Táchira, VE | January 2007 -
October 2007 | Professional Application Work (as student)
- Installation of an environment for Web application development based on Open Source Software
- Debian Servers administration
- Planning, design and develop of Web application for Education Program Tax
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira, Táchira, VE | 2002 - 2007 | Network administrator
and linux instructor
- GNU/Linux Debian and Ubuntu instructor
- Network and users administration
- GNU/Linux Debian y Microsoft servers administration
- Technical support
Asesorías Educativas Vicci C.A., Táchira, VE | 1998 - January 2007 | Informatics Assessor
- Technical support
- LAN administrator
- C/C++ teacher for customers
- Teach staff about operative system and misc applications use
- Develop of Education Management System for internal use
- Main site webmaster ( )
Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Backend Development, Celery, DevOps, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Fabric, Flask, Frontend Development, Fullstack Development, Git, Gunicorn, JavaScript, Linux, Memcached, MongoDB, Nginx, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Selenium, Test-Driven Development, Vagrant, Web Development, jQuery, uWSGI