Dario Guajardo
Never is late to learn and grow up
Santiago, Chile
Being a competitive professional, taking the knowledge acquired in order to assists to create and improve processes in my environment, be it at work or the personal life. I have no fear to go to areas where my knowledge of it is not familiar to me, because in few time I can research enough in order to reach the objectives.
I like challenges, I have no problem to work in team always that exists the agreement of all the members in order to reach a common objective. The problems motivate me, but I know what are my limits and I know the point where I can do a great job without to forgot all my others responsibilities. I can adapt myself very quickly to very different environments and people, in order to make a kind environment to work and improve the people of the team .
English, Spanish
Favorite Python Packages:
First Place: Flask, APScheduler, SQLAlchemy, Alembic,
Then Django, Pandas, Numpy, Bokeh
- Video Games development.
- Feed and XML generation.
- Software Engineer
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Data Mining.
- Process Optimization.
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Genetic Algorithms
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Eclipse Platform / IntelliJ IDEA 8
- DB2 UDB data base
- DB2 AS400 data base
- ORACLE data base
- MySQL data base
- PostgreSQL data base
- Windows / Linux /Mac / Unix
- Microsoft Office & OpenOffice
- Knowledge extraction system, based on association rules (University - Java).
- Codification detection system in web pages, based on sequences and statistical distribution (University - Java).
- Automatic assignment system for nurses shifts, using simulated annealing optimization method and based in Chilean regulations (Univversity - Java)
- Exhaustive and nonredundant generation system of stereoisomers in organic compounds (Thesis Topic - Java).
- Content Management System for COPESA (Java, Javascript, JQuery).
- Web Sites's Generator of COPESA using Apache Velocity (Java).
- XML generator (Rss, Wap, NewsML, NITF) for COPESA’s web sites (Java).
- Installation of Apache Roller platform for Blogs “La Tercera”.
- Development of “Building Block“ for BlackBoard DUOC’s platform (Orion - Java, MooFWD).
- Development of “MooestroDuoc” software, using “Moofwd” platform (Orion - Java, MooFWD)
- Random encryption system (A new algorithm created by me - Java).
- Development of “DarwinEd”, system of schedules' allocation for educational establishments using genetic algorithms (Foris - Python)
- Creation of monitoring tool for Entel's telephonical's cells, creating user profiles and personalized consultations in graphics on a web platform (Telrad - Python, Flask, Klein)
- Maintenance and development of report generation application for National Electrical Coordinator (Unholster - Python, Django)
- Creation de monitoring and report web platform (AI WARE - Python, Flask, WTForms, SQLAlchemy)
- Creation of eSports KPIS portal (Me - Python, Flask, Javascript, JQuery)
- April 2018 to December 2018 : AI-WARE.
- Software development company
- Python Developer
- Creation of monitoring and report web platform.
- Software maintenance in Adessa.
- Technologies:
- Python
- Flask
- PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy,
- Bokeh
- Git
- VB6
- Java 1.5
- Oracle.
- August 2017 to February 2018 : Unholster.
- Software development company
- Python developer
- Maintenance and development of report generation
- application for National Electrical Coordinator.Python,
- Technologies:
- Python
- Django
- Git
- PostgreSQL.
- February 2017 to July 2017 : Utilis S.A.
- Startup Retail based on social profitability
- Head of IT area
- Responsible for the IT infrastructure, outsourcing of
- services and monitoring of its continuity..
- January 2016 to January 2017 : Telrad
- Optimization and Telecommunications
- Optimization Engineer
- Creation of app for visualization of KPIs for Entel
- Technologies:
- Python
- Flask
- Klein
- APScheduler
- MySQL,
- WebServices
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- API Chart Google
- April 2015 to December 2015 : Foresta
- Inductive Optimization
- Work as Freelance as Optimization and AI Engineer
- Technologies:
- Python
- Genetic Algorithms,
- WebServices
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- April 2014 to March 2015 : Foris
- Optimization and Analytics Company
- Optimization and AI Engineer
- Technologies:
- Python
- Genetic Algorithms
- January 2014 to February 2014 : Zachary Perfumes. (Project)
- Perfume Company.
- Upgrade to commission system
- Technologies
- PHP,
- Javascript
- JQuery
- April 2013 to June 2013 : Frutam.
- Fruit Exportation Company.
- Development of Intelligent prediction system for buy
- Technologies:
- Javascript
- Unix
- Windows
- January 2012 to January 2013 : AtakamaLabs.
- Multinational Company of Videogames
- Partner of DeNA (Japón) y NGMoco (USA).
- Games Development for mobile
- Engineer Developer Client side
- Technologies:
- July 2011 a December 2011 : Orion System Integrators.
- Multinational Software Company.
- Develop of new technologies.
- Offices in India, USA and Chile.
- Services's Development for mobile platform.
- (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7)
- Software Engineer
- Technologies:
- March 2011 a June 2011 : Movix – Atala y Cia. Ltda.
- Multinational Company of mobile messaging.
- Offices in Ecuador, Perú and Chile
- Development of mobile messaging system
- Software Engineer
- Technologies:
- August 2007 a February 2011 : Consorcio Periodístico de Chile S.A.
- Consorcio Digital de Chile S.A.
- Digital Media Área
- Software Engineer
- Technologies:
- Java
- Apache Velocity (Templates)
- Apache Roller (Blogs)
- Javascript
- JQuery
- DB2
- May 2006 a May 2007 : INTERPLANET / XPERIENCE S.A.
- Outsourcing Software Developer Company
- Java Developer
- Worked in Telefónica Chile, ACHS and COPEC
- Technologies:
- Java
- Oracle
- DB2 AS400
- Javascript
Backend Development, Django, Flask, Git, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL, SQLAlchemy, jQuery